Friday, April 04, 2008

Web 2.0

I have a very smart boyfriend and have decided, what better than to learn as much as I can from him? He's started teaching me about Web 2.0 ( For those of you who know me, you know that the internet is one of my true loves. Learning more about it absolutely fascinates me.

Web 2.0 is what most of us know as the internet today: social networking, wikis, blogs, social bookmarking... With its growth increasing exponentially, it's causing the interet to expand and become ginormous (yes, that would be giant and enormous combined to equate something very very very big). Most of us today belong to some sort of social networking site: Myspace, Facebook, LinkedIn, hi5, the list goes on and on. Every day these sites expand and grow at a phenomenal rate.

It's not even noon yet and I've already checked my social networking sites, read some information from, used tagging to locate a friend online, logged in to to chat online, and here I am writing in my blog.

I just love Web 2.0.

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